
Connection responses

When you attempt to connect an account for the first time or when you are updating your Connection Settings the system will return a response to advise on the result.

Account has connected

Your account has been connected to the system successfully!

Account has not reconnected

In most cases the login credentials are correct but the system did not return a connection response quick enough. Navigate to My Accounts and check the account connection icon. If the icon is green the account is connected ok, if amber or red, retry updating the login credentials.

Server details incorrect

The broker server details are not valid.

Password is incorrect

The broker server details are correct but the password is incorrect. Confirm you have entered the correct password and retry. If can not resolve, we recommend you set a new password on your MT4 terminal and try the new password. This approach will fix most password related issues.

Server busy performing an operation

System wide maintenance is likely running at this time. Retry the operation after 30-60 seconds.

System at maximum capacity

The system has hit maximum capacity. In most cases new capacity will be brought online within 10 minutes. We will notify you by email once this happens and you can then resume the current operation.

An error has occured

On some occasions an unknown error will occur. You can retry the current operation to see if it is a permanent error. Support will be notified of any errors and investigate the issue.

Still having issues?

If you continually have issues connecting an account and you are sure the details are correct, please contact support and we can check the issue in more detail.